
Lzz is a tool that automates many onerous C++ programming tasks. It can save you a lot of time and make coding more enjoyable. Given a sequence of declarations Lzz will generate your header and source files.

For example, given the following code:

// A.lzz
class A
  inline void f (int i) { ... }
  void g (int j = 0) { ... }
bool operator == (A const & a1, A const & a2) { ... }

Lzz will generate a header file:

// A.h
#ifndef LZZ_A_h
#define LZZ_A_h
class A
  void f (int i);
  void g (int j = 0);
inline void A::f (int i) { ... }
bool operator == (A const & a1, A const & a2);

And a source file:

// A.cpp
#include "A.h"
void A::g (int j) { ... }
bool operator == (A const & a1, A const & a2) { ... }

Lzz makes ordinary C++ programming seem low-level. How many times have you neglected to update a header file after editing a source file? This is a silly mistake, yet we do it again and again. C++ forces you to type and maintain duplicate code. Why not let a program generate it for you?

The parser in Lzz is generated by Basil, a backtracking LR(1) parser generator.

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